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What is Hypnobirthing?

So, what IS hypnobirthing?


Hypnobirthing is a type of birth preparation designed to help you feel calm and confident in navigating your birth experience however it turns out. It's a set of tools and techniques that can be used with ANY type of birth. 


A hypnobirthing course consists of:​

  • Tools and techniques to help you explore and release any fears or anxieties you might have around birth

  • Relaxation exercises to help you relax and stay calm in pregnancy, birth and new parenthood, and help you connect with your baby, listen to your body, and tune into your instincts.

  • Learning what's happening in your body during labour, how  well designed it is for birth, and how to work with it to have a more comfortable birth.

  • A full antenatal education, covering all the different options you have in labour and help you write a birth plan

  • Tools to help you and your birth partner advocate for yourselves, and feel more confident in your ability to make the right decisions for you and your baby during your pregnancy and birth experience.


Katie, your local Hypnobirthing and Antenatal teacher, Purley
Pregnancy and antenatal classes, Croydon
Pregnancy and antenatal classes, Croydon
Pregnancy and antenatal classes, Croydon

A hypnobirthing course is a full antenatal education, helping you understand the physiology of birth and the impact your thoughts can have on your body. It's designed to help you prepare, mentally, physically and emotionally, for ANY type of birth.

You'll come away with LOADS of tools and techniques to use in pregnancy and labour, such as:


  • breathing techniques

  • relaxation and visualisation techniques

  • birthing positions

  • information on how to influence your birthing environment

  • practical tips for birth partners

Importantly, hypnobirthing helps you understand scenarios that might happen during labour, what your options are around them, and how to make the best decisions for you and your baby on the day, so you can maintain control over your experience.


Using hypnobirthing techniques can result in a shorter and more comfortable labour, and a reduced need for intervention. 

Pregnancy and antenatal classes, Croydon
Pregnancy and antenatal classes, Croydon
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